Vanessa Cunningham, TAR, Somerset West
This is not easy to write, and I hoped I never would have to say this, but the day has come. Township Animal Rescue (TAR) is not a shelter, and never has been.
In following that dream, we lost a lot of money and sit in a dire situation. The dogs that we cannot find foster homes for are in private boarding kennels, which we pay for, as well as their food and treatments.
It is unfair to them to keep them caged up for months on end, as well as being unfair to others who also need a chance.
So today TAR is making a sad transition from a pro-life, or as we prefer to call it pro-quality of life organisation, to an organisation who is resorting to euthanasia to control the numbers of dogs we are faced with.
We have looked carefully at each dog, and will pick one daily or every second day, depending on how it goes, that we have tried to rehome the longest or is showing signs of kennel stress.
Believe me, this is not going to be easy, so we ask for your support. These are animals that we have rescued and worked with.
Some have been nurtured from illness and injury. Some have been taught to trust and love people as much as we love them.
We are, however, committed to give each dog a fair chance, and will consider all applications. If you are in a position to assist, contact us at or 084 423 5991.
See page 18