Brian Townsend, Gordon’s Bay Resident’s Association
Regarding the article on the whale walk at Gordon’s Bay(“Whale walk endures”, Bolander May 16), I would like to comment as follows.
To clear up any misunderstanding regarding the sign erected at the whale walk, I would like to advise that after considerable correspondence with the City, with all but zero response or interest, it was decided between Richard Miles and the Gordon’s Bay Resident’s Association to erect a suitable sign recognising the effort of Monica Miles in lobbying for the pedestrian walkway over a number of years.
This was no easy task for Monica, as the placing of the project on the appropriate programme became a political football.
With the kind assistance of Strand Signs, the signs were erected and as before, will be maintained by the Gordon’s Bay Resident’s Association.
The vandalised sign is in the process of being manufactured and will be installed as soon as possible.
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