When the hosting of the SKA was awarded jointly to South Africa and Australia, this represented a major success for science in Africa.
Guest speaker Francois Kapp, pictured right, will provide insight into the first chapters of the delivery, and how we got there, at Mensa Winelands’ monthly speaker evening, tomorrow Thursday November 23, at 7.15pm, in his presentation, “MeerKAT: Proving ground for big science in Africa”.
Francois graduated from Stellenbosch University as an electronics engineer in 1992, and is the subsystem manager of the Digital Backend (DBE) Team of SKA South Africa.
The DBE team is responsible for three MeerKAT sub-systems. Prior to joining the SKA South Africa team in 2006, Francois worked in the South African space, defence and commercial sectors, always involved in development of electronics systems.
If you would like to attend the meeting as a guest (entry is free), email wnl.secretary@mensa.org.za for venue details.