Lnguistic, researcher and writer, Dr Menán du Plessis will present scenarios that factor in social roles and relations, rather than obsolete notions of race, and more in keeping with what we actually know about languages and societies in Africa, when she speaks about the Khoisan language at Mensa Winelands’ monthly meeting, tomorrow, Thursday June 20, in Somerset West. Dr Du Plessis is an extraordinary associate professor in the department of linguistics at Stellenbosch University; she received her PhD from UCT in 2009 for her thesis on Khoisan linguistics, and has since been engaged in research, writing and teaching. She has conducted fieldwork to obtain recordings from two of the last speakers of Kora, and recently completed a book on this nearly extinct Khoisan language of the early Cape and the Gariep. The meeting starts at 7.15pm. Guests enter free. Contact wnl.secretary@mensa.org.za for venue details.