Interested parties are invited to attend the Directors’ Forum for the 2017 Hottentots Holland Dramatic Society theatre year. If you would like to apply for a slot in 2017 to direct a show for the HHDS, take a copy of the script of your show, for consideration and be prepared to motivate why you believe the show will be suitable for their stage.
If you would like to hire the theatre to stage a show, take a detailed synopsis of your planned show, as well an indication of when you would like to stage your show. The HHDS reserves the right to accept or reject an application for theatre hire, at its sole discretion. The HHDS is committed to developing new directorial talent, and in pursuit of this goal invite people who would like to develop the skills to direct theatre for the HHDS, and thereby earn a Director’s Ticket, to attend the Directors’ Forum.
The aspirant director can choose one of two roads. Those who have previous experience directing theatre elsewhere, can be apprenticed to an accredited HHDS director, to co-direct a show. Those who have sufficient experience in the various aspects of theatre – acting, lighting, sound, set design and building, stage management etc – can apply to direct a one-act play.
Applicants must present a comprehensive curriculum vitae of previous theatre experience. The forum will take place on Sunday June 12, at 5.30pm, at The Playhouse Theatre, Somerset West.
RSVP to HHDS creative director, at norman.macfarlane@