Helderberg Hospice is holding an evening of stories, with Herman Bosman’s Oom Schalk stories, told by Dorian Haarhoff, story teller extraordinaire, and concertina maestro Henk Cerfonteyn, at Lanquedoc Farm in Raithby, near Somerset West, on Saturday March 11, at 7pm. Tickets cost R150, which includes a potjie dinner and dessert. Guests must take their own drinks. Tickets are on sale, between 9am and 4pm, at Helderberg Hospice, 21 Old Stellenbosch Road, Somerset West, and the Helderberg Hospice shops in Main Road, Somerset West and Panorama Building, Strand. Contact Celestine at 076 062 5855, or cheryl@helderberghospice.org.za
Pictured are Dorian Haarhoff and Henk Cerfonteyn.