The Rooibos Experience – a festival which celebrated the culture and cuisine of rooibos – was held at the Root 44 Market in Stellenbosch recently. Ernest du Toit, spokesperson for the SA Rooibos Council, says the event was well supported by overseas visitors and locals, who gained an entirely new perspective on rooibos.
“Many South Africans may have grown up with rooibos in the home, but don’t know much about its origin, how it is grown and what benefits it offers them. Festival-goers were surprised to learn about rooibos’ many uses and how versatile the plant is. Besides rooibos’ myriad of health and beauty benefits, it is also a wonderful flavour-enhancer and is being used in anything from ice-creams, to gourmet sauces and fine liquors.
“In SA, there is a whole lot more that could be done to capitalise on heritage tourism and we’ve started that process through this year’s Rooibos Experience, which we will build on in the future,” said Mr Du Toit. For more information, visit