Jemima Kola, Helderberg
So many animals
So many plants
So much activity
Yet so little care.
Springbuck who observe your every move to
common ducks that bathe in the sun,
blue crane birds; so elegant in their strides
and hairy worms, who become butterflies.
Oh butterflies; so fragile and delicate.
Ladybirds as well as colourful crickets.
No, not the one where you use wickets.
Finches battling to make the perfect nest,
while hawks; scan the area for small prey and
guinea fowl that pretend to be in band.
Grasses in all shapes and sizes,
inbetween all the dandilions and arum lilies.
All this diversity at the tip of our fingers but yet so far from us.
Should we not try preserve this,
this delicate ecosystem that can vanish in a blink of an eye.
We build houses and soon more shopping centres.
Is it because we do not care, we do not know better or do we just turn a blind eye.
We do not have many places like the Paardevlei dam and there are going to be less in the future.
But let us rather keep that a rumour.
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