Marion Langton, Somerset West
Several residents who happen to live in complexes between “The Two Bridges” (on the Lourens River) are becoming alarmed at the traffic of homeless people along the river path.
The more serious side of this is the appearance of fires in the evenings – we have been asked to report any signs of fires – but to whom do we report? The SAPS is too burdened by bigger crimes and although Securite is excellent in responding to our calls, this is not solving our problem. This area is a real fire hazard.
General littering is also an ongoing problem. Today in the parking area of Pick n Pay I took a photograph of the gap that has conveniently been created in the palisade fencing at the corner where the new service station is being built.
What really took my breath away was when I looked over the shrubs down towards the riverbed and saw an enormous dump of various objects that has been allowed to fester there.
I truly am appalled and horrified at the scene – a genuine tip in the middle of our town.How this dire situation has been allowed to continue, I cannot understand.
We have struggled with the communities camping under the two bridges for several years and feel quite despondent as there seems that very little can be done by anyone to finally and once for all, clear these areas, and so the shockingly unhygienic areas continue to fester.
In addition now, we have several groups of people permanently ensconced along the river bed and banks between the two bridges.
When we have water in the Lourens River again the pollution will be too terrible to contemplate.
My suggestion is that I and several of my neighbours who are also deeply concerned about this area, accompany someone of authority to this site in order to see for themselves.
We are having to contend daily with this festering dump in our midst, as well as all the problems that go with it. My question is to whom would we extend this invitation? Any suggestions will be gratefully received.