Statistics South Africa’s (Stats-SA) nationwide Community Survey 2016 sample survey completed its data collection last week, with success in some districts and challenges in others.
The survey started early in March.
The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, highlighted that Central Karoo and West Coast are the only districts in the province that are on track with enumeration, having collected data from more than two thirds of households sampled in the respective provinces.
“Our fieldworkers have experienced the most difficulties in the following districts: City of Cape Town, Cape Winelands and Overberg; which has resulted in the districts falling behind. It is important that sampled household participate in the survey in order to assist the country to reflect on key indicators of service delivery and provide a basis for future planning. Statistics provide a conduit of trust for citizens and government,” said Dr Le-hohla.
Statistics South Africa calls on residents of the City of Cape Town and Cape Winelands, which are the least performing districts with only about 50% of the target collected, to open their doors for CS 2016 fieldworkers. “Data collection in Cape Winelands and City of Cape Town is highly dissatisfactory as compared with other districts in the Western Cape and across the country,” Dr Lehohla said.
Some Community Survey 2016 fieldworkers have also become victims of criminal elements within various communities in the pro-vince. Crime has been a stumbling block for data collection in areas like Khayelitsha which had the highest number of thefts of tablet devices in the Western Cape. A total of 12 devices were stolen in Khaye-litsha and 36 in the province.
In addition, four fieldworkers were bitten by dogs, 17 were intimidated, and eight were the victims of attempted robbery.
Police have so far made one arrest in relation to the robbery of a tablet device, while investigations are still ongoing in other cases.
StatsSA also noted that in a number of cases households across the province have refused to participate in the Community Survey, with most of these being in the City of Cape Town, Cape Winelands and Overberg. “In terms of the Statistics Act, people who refused to be counted can face a fine of R10 000 or six months in jail, or a combination of both,” they warned.