Is scouts for you? What is it like to be a scout? Have you considered cubs or scouts for your child?
Our scouting adventure began about three years ago when our son Joshua was invited by some friends to attend a scouting meeting with them which was held at the 2nd Somerset West Scout Troop.
After that first meeting, Joshua enjoyed scouts so much he decided to attend each week on Friday. The activities changed each week and he started to learn valuable life skills such as cooking on an open fire, survival skills, handy knots, map work, fun games, First Aid, camp fires and much more. He also got to go on hikes and plenty of camps.
In addition to the Friday night activities, there is also an interest badge book which gives each scout the opportunity of learning new skills and gaining knowledge about different subjects such as farming, cooking, nature conservation, bird watching to name just a few, and obtaining a badge to wear on your scout shirt.
Earning interest badges is a lot of fun. Besides learning about your subject and increasing your knowledge you meet wonderful people who are experts in these fields and so you learn even more about your subject.
Great friendships are formed and at the end of the day a scout gets a badge to wear on their scout shirt.
Scouts also earn other badges such as Path Finder, Adventurers, Explorer, First Class and finally a Springbok Award, which is the highest scouting achievement.
Joshua has had many amazing adventures that have filled a memory album, from climbing Lions Head at sunset, which is known as Paint the Lion Purple, to camping at Hauwaqus Scouting Ranch, to hiking over the mighty Hottentots Holland Mountains as well as competing in competitions like the Gordon Shield, Upton Shield as well as orienteering, to being part of Remembrance Day at the Moth Hall, to getting a fire fighters badge from our local Strand Fire Station and meeting the amazing dedicated and brave firemen and women who serve our community.
One of the requirements for the First Class badge is to arrange and take part in a community service project in your community. Joshua was privileged to take part in the second largest restoration project in the City of Cape Town, which was taking place in the Helderberg Nature Reserve during 2016.
In November 2015 I decided to volunteer for the scouts committee so that I could takean active part in Joshua’s scouting adventure. It was one of the best decisions I have made.
I have learnt much about scouts and I recommend to parents to let their children and young adults participate in scouts. They learn many life skills which are beneficial and valuable. They also learn to be leaders and become involved in the community.
I also recommend that parents get involved. I have had a lot of my own amazing adventures and met awesome people this past year. I have become a part of a large scouting family. I have watched young cubs grow into fine mature scouts during the year.
Joshua has been so inspired as a scout. He has achieved 19 interest badges and his First Class badge. He was also awarded the trophy for the best scout of the year at his troop, 2nd Somerset West. As for me, I was awarded the trophy for the best committee member for 2016.
On this high note, we say goodbye to scouts, as Joshua has turned 18 and that’s when scouts finish.
Scouting I know will always be a part of our lives and I want to personally thank all the wonderful people who volunteer their time each week to support scouts.
I encourage every mom and dad to consider putting their children or young adults into Scouts. Besides the adventures, it teaches young adults to be resourceful and responsible. The benefits of scouting are endless.For more information regarding scouts or cubs, contact Will on 083 226 9885 or Carol on 073 182 5510