Two intrepid young Helderberg men embarked on a journey on Monday, and will be making their way on foot from Cape Agulhus to Mozambique, along the east coast of South Africa.
Daniel Clark and Thor Storme will be walking along the beaches all the way, and shall be removing any artificial man-made debris they come across, such as plastic, tin and glass. They have prepared to do this walk at a languid, meditational pace, and have not attached a deadline for their destination.
While the walk is to raise awareness on issues such as conservation, and will be directly beneficial to the beautiful eastern coastline, they also hope to raise awareness for numerous other causes they feel are not getting enough attention from the human community.
“We will be attempting some community-driven projects along the way, as and when needed and possible,” Daniel told Bolander.
“Our personal motivation to keep going will be derived from our surfboards and guitars, and also doing things we enjoy as we serve. All work and no play would make for a dull bunch of beach cleaners (as the old adage goes),” he said.
“We will mostly be spending our time removed from society, and reflecting on it, and hopefully we can impart some wisdom and unique perspectives to those who choose to follow our journey and support us along the way.
“The age-old culture of ubuntu is what we hope we will encounter from our fellow countrymen as we pursue truth and beauty at a snail’s pace along the coast, attempting to be in the moment every step of the way.”
Thor said they will prove services to people and communities they encounter, helping with food gardens, improving dwellings, etc.
“We hope this message will reach a wide audience, and that the causes and ideas we plant as seedlings in the hearts and minds of the local and world community will flourish in the spring of their fruition,” said Daniel. “That our tomorrow may be made ever so slightly brighter than our collective yesterday, by our every now.”
Their message is one of peace, love and contentment, and sharing whatever value may be found in some of the untold stories that lie ahead. They hope the community will rally behind them and support them as they go, as the trip will be done on a shoestring budget.
They plan to sustain themselves off their budget and the bounty of fish and mussels our coast has to offer, and will be camping. Any donations will go towards numerous community projects along the nature rich, yet financially impoverished coast.
“We request that no single donation of more than R100 be made, as this is meant to be a widely supported initiative, funded in small parts by the many. The way a true community project should work,” said Daniel. They invite people to walk sections with them, en route.
Follow and support their journey: Facebook; Musings:chapter1