Anthony Simpson, Gordon’s Bay
We are guests in your country from the United Kingdom, and are very lucky to be able to live in your beautiful country.
Every country in the world has its problems, but perhaps through your local superb newspaper we can share ours.
Your Home Affairs office is so absurd.
You stand in line all day with the rich and poor, black and white, a seething mass of humanity trying to sort their papers and paying good money for the privilege.
The building is totally unsuitable, smelly with poor toilets, and my heart goes out to the poor staff trying to
cope with all of this every day, so I hope someone at the top of the tree sees this and sorts it.
My other concern is aggressive begging worse even than India.
Cape Town is a fantastic international city on the visit list of many, but people on holiday here tell me they prefer to stay in their hotels than run
the gauntlet of this scourge.