I am writing representing many Morningside residents who are shocked and saddened shocked.
Our beloved Syzigium Guineense trees (Water Pear) have been sawed down to something unrecognizable. The two beautiful trees were probably 20 years old, and two of the few mature indigenous trees in the park.
The trees have been a refuge for many birds, insects and children alike. The first photo shows a group of Newberry students huddled under the branches for cover from the rain while learning about the need for biodiversity.
Regular nature conservation lessons have taken place in 2021 highlighting the necessity for indigenous plants and insects.
Cutting down a tree on a public park is not permitted under city bylaws. The City of Cape Town Parks have confirmed that it is not their work, neither the work of their contractors. City Parks had also not received a request to cut the trees back.
The City wishes to prosecute the perpetrator of this illegal act, and anyone who witnessed the cutting of the trees is asked to please contact City Parks on 021 400 6210/084 512 4392.
On Saturday March 13, the community came out to protest this barbaric act. A young adult made a placard that read “I use to play under these trees as a child”.
We are saddened and outraged by this act of vandalism to our beloved neighbourhood park. The Lyon Indigenous Park Committee will insist justice will be served as the perpetrator is prosecuted.
The selfish act of cutting down two mature indigenous trees, previously enjoyed by the whole neighbourhood, to open a view for the one person has not go unnoticed. The residents of Morningside and further afield are disgusted by this barbaric act.
To quote Theodore Roosevelt: “The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased; and not impaired in value.”