* This past weekend not only signified the end of the official fire season for the Volunteer Wildfire Services (VWS) but also the start of orientation for new recruits at the Jonkershoek (JNK) base. A group of close to 30 potential new members gathered at VWS JNK on Saturday April 30 for a hike and introductory session on pumps, hoses, two-way radios and GPS. Over the next few months, new and active members will all undergo fitness and skills training before the official fire season starts again on December 1. Everyone has to qualify/requalify, while new members also have to pass a Basic Wildfire Suppression course. The next orientation session will take place on Sunday May 15. Contact jnk.training@ vws.org.za for more information. Pictured is member Tanya Kerr, right, showing how to use a GPS device.