Somerset West resident and stay-at-home mum, Dr Bryony May, the founder of social initiative, Together against Covid-19, has extended the reach of the NGO she started, to make a difference to the hungry on Mandela Day.
She first contacted Bolander on July 10 to share her plans for the big day.
“We’ve (Together against Covid-1) just been nominated by ChangeMakersHub, who have raised funds for their amazing idea to feed 67 000 people on Mandela Day,” she said.
ChangeMakersHub is a South African non-profit initiative which offers a hub or home for all people who want to make a difference.
The organisation connects people with causes which need help, catalysing change between everyday people who want to help, by connecting them with those who need it the most, according to the ChangeMakersHub website.
“We are getting soup ingredients ready and prepped for three soup kitchens we already support, and we will make up soup packs to distribute to hundreds of families we support in two other communities as well,” said Dr May.
“This means we will be feeding 1 500 people in a number of locations, including Eerste River, Macassar, Nomzamo, Sir Lowry’s Pass Village and Lanquedoc.”
By July 15, the number to be fed on Mandela Day by Together Against Covid-19 had grown to 3 000, according to Dr May.
“It’s cold and it’s a challenging time, but with ChangeMakersHub’s support, Together Against Covid-19, will be able to feed 3 000 of the 67 000 people who will be fed on Mandela Day,” said Dr May.
“A half-ton of freshly prepared soup ingredients were delivered to Somerset West this week, in preparation for Saturday.
“Our team of volunteers are busy sorting and distributing to multiple centres across the Helderberg, so that on Mandela Day, the soup kitchens can prepare and serve delicious hot soup to their communities.
“I want to say a special thank you to ChangeMakersHub for this immense donation to our vulnerable communities, and to the NPOs Masikhule, the Thembalitsha Foundation and the Pebbles Project for their wonderful collaboration efforts,” Dr May said.
Bolander spoke to Dr May on Saturday afternoon about how the initiative had worked out on Mandela Day.
“Today’s stunning Mandela Day in the Cape has been a busy one for our incredible team of volunteers. Starting at 8am, and until late this afternoon, we have been safely and nutritiously running soup kitchens all day.
“Homeless communities, children’s homes, thousands of other vulnerable neighbours in the Helderberg were served thick, warm and delicious homemade soup.
“It’s been a day full of smiling eyes, of sharing, and of hope.
“We have come together to celebrate the wonderful symbolism of Madiba.
“Together against Covid-19 thanks all our amazing volunteers, and ChangemakersHub because together, today, we have showed that we are the change, that we can make it happen, and it is only impossible if you don’t try,” she said.