Debbie Hoyle, Meals on Wheels Helderberg
Last year an article appeared in Bolander regarding Meals on Wheels (“Meals on Wheels Helderberg faced with closure”, Bolander May 10 2017), due to the fact that funds were in such short supply.
We are very happy to report that our operation here in the Helderberg is alive and well, thanks to the many organisations and private people who have very generously donated to help us prevent any chance of closing down.
We are still in need of volunteers to help on a Tuesday and a Thursday with either being the driver of a vehicle or being a “hopper”, the person who goes into the houses and delivers the food.
We have truly remarkable spirit among our team of volunteers, and everyone enjoys giving of their time as we come together in the Meals on Wheels house kitchen.
We all chat together as we are dishing up food in containers,
to take to hundreds of needy people.
Our staff of cooks in the
kitchen have been with Meals on Wheels for decades. They are so reliable and never fail to produce delicious food every Tuesday and Thursday.
All in all we are a dedicated team and anyone wishing to join us would be made to feel very welcome.
We thank every person, business and organisation who stepped up to the plate to give us a helping hand when we needed it most.