Radloff Park is a wonderful recreation area for so many disciplines. From dog walkers to cricket, baseball, soccer, walk for life, joggers and also fly fishermen. This trout of 42cm was caught just below the bridge at Radloff Park in the Lourensford River. Benjamin Blaauw, a Boland fly fisherman, frequents this area often with a group of mates. He says this is the biggest trout he has ever caught at Radloff Park. Trout have been found to live in harmony with other fish species found in the area. Benjamin has recently competed in the Fly Fishing Nationals and came in 19th out of 60 fishermen. Benjamin loves the outdoor experience and being in nature rather than staying indoors. When he does have to stay indoors he spends his time making flies to catch fish. This in itself is an art and helps him to keep focus.