■ The Sunflower Fund, which raises funds for patients needing a life-saving blood stem cell transplant, has its annual Sunflower Day – previously Bandana Day – on Friday September 15. Buy a tope – a multi-purpose accessory product which can be worn as a headband, mask, scarf, cap or arm band – for R25, and contribute to the fund, which helps so many South Africans in need. Topes are available at Pick n Pay or online at www.zando.co.za for the rest of this month, at R25 each. The theme of this year’s campaign is “It’s ordinary people who do the most extraordinary things that make a real difference”. With more than 160 000 topes sold last year, the Sunflower Fund was able to recruit and register another 1 488 potential blood stem cell donors for its registry. The target for this year is 200 000 topes.