Lizelle Knott is a three times over cancer survivor who will be speaking at the next service of the Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship at Vonke House, 121 Lourensford Road, at 10.30am, on Sunday October 7.
“I want to inspire people. I want someone going through a similar journey as I did to look at me and say: ‘Because of you, I didn’t give up’,” she says.
Lizelle is a member of Cancervive (pronounced “Can survive”), a large group of cancer survivors and friends who travel around South Africa using the performing arts to reach out to people, helping to overcome the misinformation that people frequently have about this disease.
Once a year, a number of the group travel by motorcycle through South African towns large and small telling their stories about living a full and exciting life while in survival from a disease that many people fear.
In eight years of existence, they have travelled over 26 000km and reached an estimated 36 million people with their message of hope.
Everyone is welcome to attend this talk and discussion. There is no charge for attendance or for the refreshments. Freewill donations may be made.
For more information on the Unitarian Fellowship, contact Dave Mayes at 021 850 0863.