Jan Brand, Somerset West
I did not know that the ANC is now in control of the Somerset West municipal area.
No person in their right mind would spend money on a pavement project when there are many more urgent repairs and upgrades to be done in this area.
Almost 99.9 percent of residents living along Bizweni Avenue have beautifully maintained their pavements without the help of the council.
Bizweni Avenue was/is beautiful, and even people from
overseas are impressed at how green and beautiful the area is/was.
This looks like a project that needs to be investigated, as the money could have been used to fix the potholes, and the roads is at some places corrugated.
People have asked for road calming speed bumps, and they were told there is no money, but a pavement project is approved.
Who is going to refund me and other homeowners who has spent money to beatify their pavements?
The councillor for this area must be removed, as he is
wasting our tax money on non-essential
things – and to whose benefit?