The Stellenbosch University (SU) council has a new deputy chairperson with the election of Ainsley Moos to this position at its second ordinary meeting for the year, held on Monday June 18 – he succeeds Professor PW Van der Walt, whose term expired earlier this year.
Mr Moos, an alumnus of SU, is a member of the executive team of the financial services company, African Rainbow Capital. He has been a member of council since 2014.
George Steyn, a director of companies, was re-elected chairperson, having been a member of council since 2010 (elected by donors), and chair since 2012.
Professor Joan Hambidge and Johan Theron, both elected by convocation and Khungeka Njobe, elected by council, were also reappointed to council. Professors Amanda Gouws and Usuf Chikte – were reappointed at the previous meeting of council, on March 26.
Council also welcomed Hubert Brody, elected by donors; Charl Cillié and Advocate Jean Meiring, both elected by convocation, and Wayde Davidse, elected by permanent non-academic staff members.
At its previous meeting, council welcomed Lwando Nkamisa, chair of the Student Representative Council, and Euwen Etson, chair of the Academic Affairs Council, as representatives of the student body.
The SU council has an oversight responsibility for academic and operational affairs, as well as institutional policy and strategy at the institution. The council governs, among others, the assets of the university, determines the conditions of service of staff and top management, and sets the institution’s admission and language policies.