Meerkat Maantuig will be opening in cinemas on Friday March 16, and has already been accepted to screen at 12 international film festivals. The film’s writer and director, Hanneke Schutte, used the youth novella Blinde Sambok by South African writer Riana Scheepers, as a point of departure, and transformed it into a cinematic story set in the wonderful woods of Magoebaskloof in South Africa. The film tells the story of Gideonette de la Rey, a frightened 13-year-old girl who believes in her family’s generational curse, and is convinced she is next in line to die a premature death. Scared and desperate, she’s not able to escape from this story which has defined her reality. Finally, it’s only by facing her fears that she can overcome them.
The film stars young actress Anchen du Plessis in the leading role – who was also seen as younger Killer in Vaselinetjie in 2017, and Themba Ntuli, Pierre van Pletzen and Rika Sennet.
Pictured are Themba Ntuli, left, and Anchen du Plessis, right.