City of Cape Town Library and Information services understand and will comply with the need to practice social distancing. Many of their patrons don’t have the means to acquire books from bookshops, or have access to online reading. Library services also realises that many patrons will remain at homes and will require reading material. However, the safety and health of their staff is also a priority and hence the decision was taken to close all libraries but to still provide a limited service to those who need it.
Therefore, Library Services will provide a drop and pick-up service which will operate as follows:
Library patrons may request material telephonically, or via email. This is dependent on the availability of material
Staff will prepare the material to be collected by patrons between 10am and 3pm daily, from Monday to Friday, at the library entrance; library membership cards must be presented when collecting material
Library materials on loan can be returned/dropped off at your library between 10am and 3pm daily.
Library services has taken into account that patrons might not return library materials during this period due to the current restrictions, therefore the due dates have been extended and fines will not accrue for items previously issued. For more information, contact your nearest library.