■ On Sunday February 25, Girl Guides from across the Western Cape came together to celebrate World Thinking Day, and to celebrate the birthdays of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, the founders of girl guides and scouts. Over 200 girls, teddies, brownies, guides and rangers, were in attendance, dressed in full uniform. Various activities celebrated the impact the movement has on the lives of their members and their communities. After the fun activities, they held their annual Guide Sunday service, which is the highlight of the guiding calendar for all their members, but especially for those girls who are chosen to represent their unit by carrying in their company flags. A collection was taken, which will be donated to the World Association Thinking Day Fund, which promotes guiding throughout the world. The girls also all brought tins of pet food, which will be donated to TEARS.Wynberg Girls’ High school was also thanked for the use of its premises. For information about girl guides, email ggcw@telkomsa.net