Spencer Halstead (53), an artist from Strand found a rather unusual form of generating an income. His new venture? To pick up dog poop in the Strand areas at a cost of only R5 a poop.
He found this idea on social media. “I came across the idea on YouTube videos while I was searching for different ways to earn a bit of money you know as on the art front the business really never took off, now business is so to say dead, I hardly sell any paintings or portraits, so I make very little income.
“In one of the videos a guy said his father told him one of the ways to make money is that you must do the dirty jobs that other people don’t want to do,” he says.
Two weeks ago, he officially launched his poop pick-business and started off by advertising on social media and handing out pamphlets, but even after this marketing exercise, he has yet to get one customer.
“It might have something to do with the bad weather we’ve had these past couple of days,” he says hopeful that with the onset of warmer weather more dog walkers will take to the streets and his business will start to boom.
He offers his poop-scooping service to public areas, pavements, doggie parks and even private gardens. “I’m thinking more of you know the older people at their homes in their gardens who aren’t that mobile and need help with cleaning up after their dogs,” he says.
The fact that his new business venture contributes to a cleaner environment by removing dog poop which is harmful to the environment is a bonus. “Sure, it will keep the environment clean, especially the areas on the beach,” he says.
Spencer has lived in Strand for the past ten years. He has a certificate in bookkeeping and worked in the food service industry in England years ago, but since his return to South Africa, he has been a full-time artist, trying to make ends meet with the sales of his artworks.
In answer to why people should support his business, “It will help me a lot with earning an income to cover the daily expenses like food, electricity and bills.”
Lisa Starr, founder of the Helderberg Ocean Awareness Movement (HOAM) says Spencer’s poop clean-up will be beneficial to the areas on the beach where dog walking is allowed.
She reminded residents that no dogs are allowed on the Strand main beach, with clear signage indicating this as such and people not adhering to this are in contravention of the City’s by-law.
She herself has trodden on dog poop on the beach many times, and points out this was in a no-dog zone.
“I personally have made people remove their dog poo on plenty of occasions and I believe only two in ten people with dogs carry bags, I also find dog poop bags on the beach filled with poo.
“It seems people are not able to remove their own dog’s poo because we’ve created a society where the middle class are use to other people doing things for them, so there is this lazy mindset that it’s below them to pick up their dog’s poo so if they have got more money than sense then I think that it’s wonderful and they should utilise Spencer because dog poo carries diseases.”
Contact Spencer by sending him a WhatsApp to 068 759 9293. For details on the designated dog walking areas on the beach visit HOAM’s Facebook page.