Oscar Siwali is director of South African Development and Reconstruction Agency (SADRA) Conflict Transformation, a peace-building, not-for-profit company (NPC) based in the Helderberg basin.
He will present “Do Something – Towards Making a Difference” at the Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship on Sunday, September 3, at 10.30am, in the chapel in the Vonke House, part of the HSFA retirement complex at 121 Lourensford Road (across from the Playhouse).
His vision is to contribute to building a society that embraces non-violence, and peaceful methods of resolving differences, using conflict transformation approaches in resolving conflict. His talk is a call to do something for others, to live beyond just self, to work towards making a difference. He will explore this idea in various forms using practical examples showing what happens when faith is put into action by ordinary people.
Mr Siwali has extensive experience in facilitation, community conflict resolution, training of community stake holders and mediation in community disputes. He is an ordained minister, has worked as a pastor for 23 years and moved from his love of people and interest in them into developing diverse skills that can benefit communities.
As a pastor, he holds a Bachelor of Theology and a Licentiate in Theology and has done numerous courses in conflict management, non-violence, children’s rights and human rights, as well as course work on MPhil in conflict management.
There is no charge and all are welcome to the service. Light refreshments will be provided.
Call 021 850 0863 for details.