■ At the recent year-end function of the Siyazakha Needlework Project at the Legacy Hall in Kayamandi, certificates were awarded to this year’s successful students, who proudly displayed their differenlky coloured awards. Pictured left are the students with some of their teachers. At the back, from left, are Bertha Lane, teacher; Asanda Maneli, senior advanced certificate; Nolobabalo Mpotololo, advanced; NomaKhaya Nophelo, one semester beginner; Talita Tukwayo, first year beginner; and Mariet Brink (teacher). In front are, Khalipha Mtshotsho (first year beginner), Onezwa Dyantyi, who fetched her mother NomaAfrica’s advanced certificate for her; Thamarah Nkani, first year beginner; and Phakama Martins, one semester beginner. On the right, Phakama Martins proudly curtsies in the skirt she made in just two needlework sessions.