Monica von Bothmer, Helderberg
On Friday April 13, I was advised to kiss my beloved car good-bye.
It is probably being massacred for spares to sell as I write this. It was bought new to last for my lifetime.
The scene: a huge “Special” at Food Lovers Market … unbeknown to me. For me it was only “before lunch on a
mid-month Friday”.
According to the camera footage my 1995 white Ford Laser Hatchback with sun-roof left the parking area within 10 minutes of arrival.
The car thief was in such a hurry to get away that he stupidly managed to bump the car ahead at the exit circle.
A conversation between the two drivers ensued, but they decided it was not worth pursuing the matter …unfortunately.
My car has never seen a bump before.
It would be so amazing if the driver reads this and could give some information to the police.
My personal lesson out of this is not to go shopping when there is such a frantic rush for “specials”.
There was no chance for anybody to notice the obviously efficient car theft in that crowd of “special” chasers and their cars.
I do want to emphasise that I had the most remarkable immediate assistance from some co-parkers and later the security personnel and the Somerset West
Good to know that the old “village” spirit has not left the Helderberg.
Thank you to all of those who helped.