Bikini Beach in Gordon’s Bay is one of 10 beaches in the Cape Metropole, accorded Blue Flag status. Blue Flag is an international accreditation awarded to beaches that display excellence through meeting 33 criteria covering four categories: environmental education and information, water quality, environmental management, and safety and services. “The City is honoured to once again be part of the Blue Flag programme, with 10 of our beaches making the cut. The Blue Flag beaches are geographically well positioned around the metropole, from Silwerstroomstrand in the north, beaches on the Atlantic Seaboard, to the secluded little Bikini Beach next to the Gordon’s Bay Harbour in the south. These beaches are visited by thousands of residents and tourists every year and the City is making sure that they are of a high standard,” said mayoral committee member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien.