Dokdiek van der Zel, Strand
Dear Editor, I keep having this picture in my mind of the last invader tree being felled, as in your recent article on Vergelegen’s excellent track record on purifying our precious fynbos (“Vergelegen closes the loop”, Bolander October 24).
Is this the end of this tree, or can much more be done to provide work opportunities or to encourage other land owners to also clear their mountain areas of invader species?
Looking around, I found two supporting examples for your readers’ information.
One is South Africa’s Eco-Furniture Factories project, by the Department of Environmental Affairs, which is creating jobs and delivering quality school desks from seven factories across the country.
At some of them other value-added industry initiatives, such as the construction of houses from invader trees material, and the production of eco-coffins , were added.
The other example worth following is an advertisement in the local daily newspaper by Casidra to invite tenders to add value to invader plant material from invader trees in the Berg, Breede and related river catchments.
Three business concepts are being developed: wood yard that include poles, planking and decking operation/ charcoal manufacturing/ furniture manufac-turing, especially outdoor furniture.
I would advise interested persons to find the advert/tender invitation or to contact their
Surely, a most useful way to clear fynbos at a profit.
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