The annual one-day lecture series of the Archaeological Society of the Western Cape and the Friends of the Stellenbosch Museum, titled “Identity… You, me, us, them: archaeology and difference” takes place at Erfurthuis, 37 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch from 10am to 3.30pm, on Sunday August 27. The speakers and their topics are Professor Andy Smith, “Terra nullius: colonists and the colonised; how was identity maintained?”; Dr Antonia Malan, “Grave Encounters: The links between archaeology, identity, politics and burial grounds”; and Dr Jurie van der Heever, “Is Homo naledi rewriting history?”. The topic will look at how identity is formed, and possibly get an insight into the minds of people in the past, and how they dealt with conflicting ideas of how they got to where they were during their life and death. The programme includes a visit to the historic farm, Rhone, situated in the scenic Banghoek Valley. Entry is R190, which includes tea and lunch. Booking is essential. Contact Esme Adriaanse at 021 887 2937 for more information. Pictured is Dr Jurie van der Heever.