Bright Street Gallery, 33 Bright Street, Somerset West, will host the “Annual Merit and Little Gems” exhibition for the Western Cape Artists’ Society.
The exhibition opens on Friday March 16, at 6.30pm. Wine and snacks will be served, and all are welcome.
This is a judged exhibition with prizes awarded for the best works submitted. The judges, Elbe Joubert, Elize Bezuidenhout and Penny Steynor made the following awards:
Best in class – Di White, Little Gems; Eric O’Neill, oils; Christopher Reid, acrylics; Stephen Quirke and Christopher Reid, watercolours – tied; and Charmé Southey, judges’ award.
Highly commended – Christopher Reid, acrylics; Melanie Meyer, Little Gems; and Stephen Quirk, watercolours.
Commended – Di White, acrylics; Charmé Southey, acrylics; Christine Höhsl, oils, Marion Langton, watercolours; Christopher Reid, pastels; and Cliff Davies, prints.
The exhibition runs until Thursday March 29.
For more information, call the gallery at 021 851 2520.